A band with 12 crazy characters wearing giant rubber heads?!
This was finally the chance to do the kind of illustration nobody wanted me to do for GWAR!
The Logo
The Buttons
The Poster
Never underestimate
the power of a cool LOGO!!
The Buttons
The Buttons
black & white
I made these to go down the side of the poster so people could identify all the chickenhead characters.
Plus they could be sold as
buttons later on!
black & white
black & white
black & white
I made a drawing of each chickenhead character to collage together into the poster
three color
black & white
three color
Once the black and white is done you can color it a million different ways depending on the project and it's budget
full color
black & white
three color
for the poster I did a full color version of each character and with each on a separate level in photoshop and moved them around until all the elements fit
Chickenheads Spiral
Chickenheads Spiral
Chickenheads Spiral
This Radioactive Chickenheads shirt was put together using some of the art that was generated by the poster project. It shows how some commissioned art can be used in a lot of different ways.
Chickenheads Orange
Chickenheads Spiral
Chickenheads Spiral
This is what I call a "Jelly Glass" design based on the Flinstone jelly glasses that were popular a million years ago when I was a kid. The art is in black and white so that the color of the jelly or in this case the shirt supplies a third color.
Chickenheads Green
Chickenheads Spiral
Chickenheads Green
This is the same design on a Green shirt. Here again I used the same figures I had drawn for the poster art in a very different way.
Techno Destructo?
Techno Destructo?
Chickenheads Green
Mistaking them for a band of intergalactic Space Criminals, Techno Destructo has been known to assist the Chickenheads in fighting their enemies Especially the Robotic Rabbit BAD BUNNY!